

Apr 08, 2014 Diagrammix – Sweet Deal. Diagrammix is on sale today (April 8, 2014) for $1.99 at the Mac App Store. The app is usually $19.99. So with a discount of $18 you’re getting a good deal. Diagrammix lets you build attractive diagrams easily by dragging and dropping elements from the palette. Diagrammix for Mac是Mac平台上一个Mac专用的思维导图软件。 Diagrammix具有流程图,UML类图,数据流图,工作流图,组织图等等当前主流的图表,您只需要使用少许软件内置的独创类型即可构建颇具专业性的思维导图,并且可以通过图形体弹出菜单来改变其外貌特性,还支持导入一系列UI元素来创建用户.

Deep IT has released Diagrammix, a new Mac OS X diagramming tool for building diagrams with minimal effort. It costs US$9.95 and requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later; a demo is available for download (http://deepit.ru/products/Diagrammix/info/).

You can use Diagrammix as a fast business tool for illustration purposes. It offers several art elements and different connectors that let users prepare elements in vector drawing editors. Diagrammix has several palettes with elements specially designed for this release.

DiagrammixDiagrammix templatesDiagrammix


Once elements are connected by a line, they stay connected no matter how much you change them or move them around. That means the logical integrity of your diagram is preserved regardless of how you choose to position the elements. There are several connector styles: thin, thick, solid, dashed, dotted, with different arrows and colors, all with predefined styles. Work can be saved in a number of formats including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, PDF or copied to text processors via a clipboard.